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TESTimonials: Test & Laughter

Written by Test Guru | Feb 8, 2023 6:43:00 PM
Project Engineer and Industrial Consultant

While Averna is dedicated to help global customers produce market-leading high-tech products, this could not be achieved without their talented team of employees. Averna understands that each group and department are linked, and every individual is required to make the company a success. In this series, Averna will chat with one of these individuals and understand their point of view on their contribution.

Dale Ramsue is a lover of life who has seen his share of adversity. By promoting gratitude and a positive attitude he attacks every day as a new adventure. Today, as a Project Engineer and Industrial Consultant with Averna, Dale is always available to solve the most technical challenges, lend a helping hand and make everybody in the room laugh.

Q: Where were you before Averna?

A: Before joining the Averna family, I ran through several different companies. Most of my background at the time was in either customer service or management.

Q: What attracted you to Electrical Engineering?

A: The thought of playing with robots and design electrical systems has always interested me. Growing up, trying to figure out how something worked electrically was always a joy.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of your current role?

A: For me, one of the most satisfying parts of my role is building relationships with customers who trust what we do and know the high quality that Averna has set as a standard.

Q: Is test engineering a more challenging field for an engineer with the range of technologies that must be mastered?

A: Test engineering is such a challenging field, but that challenge comes with a lot of fun and crazy experiences. There is a chance every new project that I’m involved in is completely different from the previous. From sports equipment to firefighter packs, and over to medical testing, the test engineering field rarely has a dull moment.

Q: Have you had any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in and what you’re committed to in your work and life?

A: From the first day of my career with Averna, I had someone who played a key role in my professional growth. I hesitate to call him a mentor because with the nature of our company, he became a good friend. He took the time to work with me on my mistakes and celebrated my successes and growth. He reinforced the need for integrity, good work habits, and always doing right by the customer. These are the things that will create satisfied customers.

Q: Do you feel you achieve a good work/life balance?

A: I never believed there could ever be such a thing as “work hard, play hard” when it comes to a career, but Averna thrives because they understand the true value of balancing your 5 to 9 with your 9 to 5. From hanging out with coworkers after work, or taking an extended vacation, fun and relaxation is part of the Averna culture.

Q: What are you most proud of?

A: I am proud to work for a company that is not only about developing products for customers, but one that also strives to care of community and culture. Raising money for kids, serving the needy, being the light in someone’s day. These are a few of the philanthropic ventures the Averna family endures.

Q: What have you learned from Averna that will be a takeaway for the rest of your life?

A: Regardless of what lies ahead for me in the future, this job taught me one important thing. Being you is what makes us special.